Project Details


HABS-HD CLINICAL CORE (CORE C) ABSTRACT The long-term goal of the Health & Aging Brain Study – Health Disparities (HABS-HD) is to establish a population-specific informed precision medicine for novel treatment and prevention strategies for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) as called for in NIA AD+ADRD Milestone 1. The Clinical Core (Core C) will meet this goal by continuing to conduct all direct participant interviews, assessments, imaging, and other protocol components (parent study and/or ancillary studies). By the time of the initiation of the U19, the cohort will consist of 3,000 community-dwelling participants ages 50 and above (n=1,000 African Americans [AA], 1,000 Mexican Americans [MA], and 1,000 non-Hispanic whites [NHW]). Visit one (V1) and 24-month longitudinal V2 data will be available at initiation of the U19 among the MA and NHW participants with V1 data available for the AA participants. As part of this U19, we will continue 24-month assessments of the existing cohort as well as enroll an additional 1,500 participants (n=500 per racial/ethnic group; age 30-49) for a more comprehensive examination of AT(N) defined biomarkers across adulthood among the three largest racial/ethnic groups in the U.S. Core C is responsible for reviewing all data for assignment of research diagnoses (medical and cognitive) as well as providing feedback to participants, families and health care providers as part of our “give back” to the community as indicated during the informed consent process by the participant. The data collected by Core C will be crucial for all Projects and will also be made available to the scientific community via LONI. The Clinical Core Aims are as follows: Aim 1 (Data Capture): In collaboration with all Cores, continue to follow harmonized protocols for the collection, processing, cataloging, storage and distribution of demographic, clinical and imaging data in support of overall program goals. Aim 2 (CSF Substudy): Conduct cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collection substudy. Aim 3 (Consensus Reviews and Feedback): Continue to conduct consensus reviews to ensure appropriate assignment of research-based clinical diagnoses (cognitive and medical) and provide feedback to participants, families and heath care providers as indicated during informed consent process. Aim 4 (Collaboration): Collaborate with Cores and Projects. Aim 5 (Brain Bank): Build foundation, community relations and infrastructure for future implementation of HABS-HD Brain Bank. Aim 6 (Cross-Study Comparisons): Work collaboratively with other AD+ADRD projects and programs for cross-study comparisons leveraging HABS-HD clinical data. In collaboration with the Administrative Core (Core A), work to ensure cross-study comparisons with ongoing initiatives such as ADNI, WHICAP, SOL/INCA, LEADS, ABC-DS, New IDEAS, ADCs and others.
Effective start/end date1/08/2231/07/23


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