Projects per year
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Racial disparities of open angle glaucoma: A study of mitochondria and oxidative stress in human trabecular meshwork
Wu, H. (PI)
Washington University in St. Louis
30/09/23 → 30/06/28
Project: Research
Mechanistic Insights and Therapeutic Potential of the Glutaredoxin (Grx) System in the Lens
Wu, H. (PI)
1/02/23 → 31/01/25
Project: Research
Mechanistic Insights and Therapeutic Potential of the Glutaredoxin (Grx) System in the Lens
Wu, H. (PI)
1/02/23 → 31/01/25
Project: Research
Retina-Targeted Estrogen Prodrug: A New Concept for Retinal Protection
Wu, H. (PI) & Prokai-Tatrai, K. (CoI)
30/09/20 → 29/09/23
Project: Research
Evaluate NACA and diNACA in Preventing Oxidative Stress-Induced Cataract Formation: Ex Vivo Study
Wu, H. (PI)
7/10/19 → 6/10/20
Project: Research
Evaluate NACA and diNACA in Cone Cells +/- Oxidative Stress
Wu, H. (PI)
7/10/19 → 6/10/20
Project: Research
Goal: Using ATP Level as a Marker for Laser Setting Optimization
Wu, H. (PI)
1/07/19 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
Evaluation of NAC, NACA and diNACA in Cultured RPE Cells and in Cultured Corneal Endothelial Cells (CECs) +/- Oxidative Stress
18/02/19 → 4/06/20
Project: Research
To evaluate the oxidative efficacy of L2 and L4 compounds in PC12 cells
Wu, H. (PI)
22/01/19 → 21/01/20
Project: Research
Assessment the Effect of Femtosecond Laser-based Device on Biochemical Paramenters in the Lens
Wu, H. (PI)
24/10/17 → 23/10/18
Project: Research
Shared Instrumentation Grant for the High Resolution Slit Lamp Imaging System
Wu, H. (PI)
1/10/16 → 30/09/17
Project: Research
Using Grapes as a Magic Bullet to Fight against Free Radicals in the Eye: Application to Cataract Prevention
Wu, H. (PI)
California Table Grape Commission
22/08/16 → 31/07/18
Project: Research
The Role of Glutaredoxin 2 (Grx2), a Thiol Antioxidant Enzyme, in Age-related Macular Degeneration
Wu, H. (PI)
1/07/15 → 30/06/18
Project: Research
Assessment of Efficacy of Reata Compound in Retinal Oxidative Injury Models
12/09/13 → 1/03/17
Project: Research
Effect of Glutaredoxin 2 (Grx2) siRNA on Drug Resistance of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells to Doxorubicin
Wu, H. (PI) & Prokai, L. (CoI)
1/09/13 → 31/08/15
Project: Research
Protein-Thiol Mixed Disulfide in Cataractogenesis
Wu, H. (PI)
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
1/09/13 → 31/07/15
Project: Research