Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
1990 …2024

Research activity per year

  • 75 - 100 out of 141 results

Search results

  • Gβ Association and Effector Interaction Selectivities of the Divergent Gγ Subunit Gγ13

    Blake, B. L., Wing, M. R., Zhou, J. Y., Lei, Q., Hillmann, J. R., Behe, C. I., Morris, R. A., Harden, T. K., Bayliss, D. A., Miller, R. J. & Siderovski, D. P., 28 Dec 2001, In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 276, 52, p. 49267-49274 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Leukemia-associated Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor promotes Gαq-coupled activation of RhoA

    Booden, M. A., Siderovski, D. P. & Der, C. J., 2002, In: Molecular and Cellular Biology. 22, 12, p. 4053-4061 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • A role for Regulator of G protein Signaling-12 (RGS12) in the balance between myoblast proliferation and differentiation

    Schroer, A. B., Mohamed, J. S., Willard, M. D., Setola, V., Oestreich, E. & Siderovski, D. P., 1 Aug 2019, In: PLoS ONE. 14, 8, e0216167.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • A point mutation to Gαi selectively blocks GoLoco motif binding: Direct evidence for Gα·GoLoco complexes in mitotic spindle dynamics

    Willard, F. S., Zheng, Z., Guo, J., Digby, G. J., Kimple, A. J., Conley, J. M., Johnston, C. A., Bosch, D., Willard, M. D., Watts, V. J., Lambert, N. A., Ikeda, S. R., Du, Q. & Siderovski, D. P., 26 Dec 2008, In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283, 52, p. 36698-36710 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Structural determinants of ubiquitin conjugation in entamoeba histolytica

    Bosch, D. E. & Siderovski, D. P., 25 Jan 2013, In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 288, 4, p. 2290-2302 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • G-protein alpha subunit interaction and guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor activity of the dual GoLoco motif protein PCP-2 (Purkinje cell protein-2)

    Willard, F. S., McCudden, C. R. & Siderovski, D. P., Aug 2006, In: Cellular Signalling. 18, 8, p. 1226-1234 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • The RGS protein inhibitor CCG-4986 is a covalent modifier of the RGS4 Gα-interaction face

    Kimple, A. J., Willard, F. S., Giguère, P. M., Johnston, C. A., Mocanu, V. & Siderovski, D. P., Sep 2007, In: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics. 1774, 9, p. 1213-1220 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • A bifunctional Gαi/Gαs modulatory peptide that attenuates adenylyl cyclase activity

    Johnston, C. A., Ramer, J. K., Blaesius, R., Fredericks, Z., Watts, V. J. & Siderovski, D. P., 24 Oct 2005, In: FEBS Letters. 579, 25, p. 5746-5750 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Entamoeba histolytica RacC selectively engages p21-activated kinase effectors

    Bosch, D. E. & Siderovski, D. P., 20 Jan 2015, In: Biochemistry. 54, 2, p. 404-412 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Structure-based Protocol for Identifying Mutations that Enhance Protein-Protein Binding Affinities

    Sammond, D. W., Eletr, Z. M., Purbeck, C., Kimple, R. J., Siderovski, D. P. & Kuhlman, B., 31 Aug 2007, In: Journal of Molecular Biology. 371, 5, p. 1392-1404 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Entamoeba histolytica rho1 regulates actin polymerization through a divergent, diaphanous-related formin

    Bosch, D. E., Yang, B. & Siderovski, D. P., 6 Nov 2012, In: Biochemistry. 51, 44, p. 8791-8801 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Fluorescence-based assays for RGS box function

    Willard, F. S., Kimple, R. J., Kimple, A. J., Johnston, C. A. & Siderovski, D. P., 2004, In: Methods in Enzymology. 389, p. 56-71 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Preclinical Testing of Nalfurafine as an Opioid-sparing Adjuvant that Potentiates Analgesia by the Mu Opioid Receptor-targeting Agonist Morphine

    Kaski, S. W., White, A. N., Gross, J. D., Trexler, K. R., Wix, K., Harland, A. A., Prisinzano, T. E., Aubé, J., Kinsey, S. G., Kenakin, T., Siderovski, D. P. & Setola, V., 2019, In: Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 371, 2, p. 487-499 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • G protein-coupled receptor kinase-3-deficient mice exhibit WHIM syndrome features and attenuated inflammatory responses

    Tarrant, T. K., Billard, M. J., Timoshchenko, R. G., McGinnis, M. W., Stephen Serafin, D., Foreman, O., Esserman, D. A., Chao, N. J., Lento, W. E., Lee, D. M., Patel, D. & Siderovski, D. P., Dec 2013, In: Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 94, 6, p. 1243-1251 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • G-protein signaling modulator-3, a gene linked to autoimmune diseases, regulates monocyte function and its deficiency protects from inflammatory arthritis

    Giguère, P. M., Billard, M. J., Laroche, G., Buckley, B. K., Timoshchenko, R. G., McGinnis, M. W., Esserman, D., Foreman, O., Liu, P., Siderovski, D. P. & Tarrant, T. K., Jun 2013, In: Molecular Immunology. 54, 2, p. 193-198 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • AI is a viable alternative to high throughput screening: a 318-target study

    Wallach, I., Bernard, D., Nguyen, K., Ho, G., Morrison, A., Stecula, A., Rosnik, A., O’Sullivan, A. M., Davtyan, A., Samudio, B., Thomas, B., Worley, B., Butler, B., Laggner, C., Thayer, D., Moharreri, E., Friedland, G., Truong, H., van den Bedem, H. & Ng, H. L. & 668 others, Stafford, K., Sarangapani, K., Giesler, K., Ngo, L., Mysinger, M., Ahmed, M., Anthis, N. J., Henriksen, N., Gniewek, P., Eckert, S., de Oliveira, S., Suterwala, S., PrasadPrasad, S. V. K., Shek, S., Contreras, S., Hare, S., Palazzo, T., O’Brien, T. E., Van Grack, T., Williams, T., Chern, T. R., Kenyon, V., Lee, A. H., Cann, A. B., Bergman, B., Anderson, B. M., Cox, B. D., Warrington, J. M., Sorenson, J. M., Goldenberg, J. M., Young, M. A., DeHaan, N., Pemberton, R. P., Schroedl, S., Abramyan, T. M., Gupta, T., Mysore, V., Presser, A. G., Ferrando, A. A., Andricopulo, A. D., Ghosh, A., Ayachi, A. G., Mushtaq, A., Shaqra, A. M., Toh, A. K. L., Smrcka, A. V., Ciccia, A., de Oliveira, A. S., Sverzhinsky, A., de Sousa, A. M., Agoulnik, A. I., Kushnir, A., Freiberg, A. N., Statsyuk, A. V., Gingras, A. R., Degterev, A., Tomilov, A., Vrielink, A., Garaeva, A. A., Bryant-Friedrich, A., Caflisch, A., Patel, A. K., Rangarajan, A. V., Matheeussen, A., Battistoni, A., Caporali, A., Chini, A., Ilari, A., Mattevi, A., Foote, A. T., Trabocchi, A., Stahl, A., Herr, A. B., Berti, A., Freywald, A., Reidenbach, A. G., Lam, A., Cuddihy, A. R., White, A., Taglialatela, A., Ojha, A. K., Cathcart, A. M., Motyl, A. A. L., Borowska, A., D’Antuono, A., Hirsch, A. K. H., Porcelli, A. M., Minakova, A., Montanaro, A., Müller, A., Fiorillo, A., Virtanen, A., O’Donoghue, A. J., Del Rio Flores, A., Garmendia, A. E., Pineda-Lucena, A., Panganiban, A. T., Samantha, A., Chatterjee, A. K., Haas, A. L., Paparella, A. S., John, A. L. S., Prince, A., ElSheikh, A., Apfel, A. M., Colomba, A., O’Dea, A., Diallo, B. N., Ribeiro, B. M. R. M., Bailey-Elkin, B. A., Edelman, B. L., Liou, B., Perry, B., Chua, B. S. K., Kováts, B., Englinger, B., Balakrishnan, B., Gong, B., Agianian, B., Pressly, B., Salas, B. P. M., Duggan, B. M., Geisbrecht, B. V., Dymock, B. W., Morten, B. C., Hammock, B. D., Mota, B. E. F., Dickinson, B. C., Fraser, C., Lempicki, C., Novina, C. D., Torner, C., Ballatore, C., Bon, C., Chapman, C. J., Partch, C. L., Chaton, C. T., Huang, C., Yang, C. Y., Kahler, C. M., Karan, C., Keller, C., Dieck, C. L., Huimei, C., Liu, C., Peltier, C., Mantri, C. K., Kemet, C. M., Müller, C. E., Weber, C., Zeina, C. M., Muli, C. S., Morisseau, C., Alkan, C., Reglero, C., Loy, C. A., Wilson, C. M., Myhr, C., Arrigoni, C., Paulino, C., Santiago, C., Luo, D., Tumes, D. J., Keedy, D. A., Lawrence, D. A., Chen, D., Manor, D., Trader, D. J., Hildeman, D. A., Drewry, D. H., Dowling, D. J., Hosfield, D. J., Smith, D. M., Moreira, D., Siderovski, D. P., Shum, D., Krist, D. T., Riches, D. W. H., Ferraris, D. M., Anderson, D. H., Coombe, D. R., Welsbie, D. S., Hu, D., Ortiz, D., Alramadhani, D., Zhang, D., Chaudhuri, D., Slotboom, D. J., Ronning, D. R., Lee, D., Dirksen, D., Shoue, D. A., Zochodne, D. W., Krishnamurthy, D., Duncan, D., Glubb, D. M., Gelardi, E. L. M., Hsiao, E. C., Lynn, E. G., Silva, E. B., Aguilera, E., Lenci, E., Abraham, E. T., Lama, E., Mameli, E., Leung, E., Christensen, E. M., Mason, E. R., Petretto, E., Trakhtenberg, E. F., Rubin, E. J., Strauss, E., Thompson, E. W., Cione, E., Lisabeth, E. M., Fan, E., Kroon, E. G., Jo, E., García-Cuesta, E. M., Glukhov, E., Gavathiotis, E., Yu, F., Xiang, F., Leng, F., Wang, F., Ingoglia, F., van den Akker, F., Borriello, F., Vizeacoumar, F. J., Luh, F., Buckner, F. S., Vizeacoumar, F. S., Bdira, F. B., Svensson, F., Rodriguez, G. M., Bognár, G., Lembo, G., Zhang, G., Dempsey, G., Eitzen, G., Mayer, G., Greene, G. L., Garcia, G. A., Lukacs, G. L., Prikler, G., Parico, G. C. G., Colotti, G., De Keulenaer, G., Cortopassi, G., Roti, G., Girolimetti, G., Fiermonte, G., Gasparre, G., Leuzzi, G., Dahal, G., Michlewski, G., Conn, G. L., Stuchbury, G. D., Bowman, G. R., Popowicz, G. M., Veit, G., de Souza, G. E., Akk, G., Caljon, G., Alvarez, G., Rucinski, G., Lee, G., Cildir, G., Li, H., Breton, H. E., Jafar-Nejad, H., Zhou, H., Moore, H. P., Tilford, H., Yuan, H., Shim, H., Wulff, H., Hoppe, H., Chaytow, H., Tam, H. K., Van Remmen, H., Xu, H., Debonsi, H. M., Lieberman, H. B., Jung, H., Fan, H. Y., Feng, H., Zhou, H., Kim, H. J., Greig, I. R., Caliandro, I., Corvo, I., Arozarena, I., Mungrue, I. N., Verhamme, I. M., Qureshi, I. A., Lotsaris, I., Cakir, I., Perry, J. J. P., Kwiatkowski, J., Boorman, J., Ferreira, J., Fries, J., Kratz, J. M., Miner, J., Siqueira-Neto, J. L., Granneman, J. G., Ng, J., Shorter, J., Voss, J. H., Gebauer, J. M., Chuah, J., Mousa, J. J., Maynes, J. T., Evans, J. D., Dickhout, J., MacKeigan, J. P., Jossart, J. N., Zhou, J., Lin, J., Xu, J., Wang, J., Zhu, J., Liao, J., Xu, J., Zhao, J., Lin, J., Lee, J., Reis, J., Stetefeld, J., Bruning, J. B., Bruning, J. B., Coles, J. G., Tanner, J. J., Pascal, J. M., So, J., Pederick, J. L., Costoya, J. A., Rayman, J. B., Maciag, J. J., Nasburg, J. A., Gruber, J. J., Finkelstein, J. M., Watkins, J., Rodríguez-Frade, J. M., Arias, J. A. S., Lasarte, J. J., Oyarzabal, J., Milosavljevic, J., Cools, J., Lescar, J., Bogomolovas, J., Wang, J., Kee, J. M., Kee, J. M., Liao, J., Sistla, J. C., Abrahão, J. S., Sishtla, K., Francisco, K. R., Hansen, K. B., Molyneaux, K. A., Cunningham, K. A., Martin, K. R., Gadar, K., Ojo, K. K., Wong, K. S., Wentworth, K. L., Lai, K., Lobb, K. A., Hopkins, K. M., Parang, K., Machaca, K., Pham, K., Ghilarducci, K., Sugamori, K. S., McManus, K. J., Musta, K., Faller, K. M. E., Nagamori, K., Mostert, K. J., Korotkov, K. V., Liu, K., Smith, K. S., Sarosiek, K., Rohde, K. H., Kim, K. K., Lee, K. H., Pusztai, L., Lehtiö, L., Haupt, L. M., Cowen, L. E., Byrne, L. J., Su, L., Wert-Lamas, L., Puchades-Carrasco, L., Chen, L., Malkas, L. H., Zhuo, L., Hedstrom, L., Hedstrom, L., Walensky, L. D., Antonelli, L., Iommarini, L., Whitesell, L., Randall, L. M., Fathallah, M. D., Nagai, M. H., Kilkenny, M. L., Ben-Johny, M., Lussier, M. P., Windisch, M. P., Lolicato, M., Lolli, M. L., Vleminckx, M., Caroleo, M. C., Macias, M. J., Valli, M., Barghash, M. M., Mellado, M., Tye, M. A., Wilson, M. A., Hannink, M., Ashton, M. R., Cerna, M. V. C. D., Giorgis, M., Safo, M. K., Maurice, M. S., McDowell, M. A., Pasquali, M., Mehedi, M., Serafim, M. S. M., Soellner, M. B., Alteen, M. G., Champion, M. M., Skorodinsky, M., O’Mara, M. L., Bedi, M., Rizzi, M., Levin, M., Mowat, M., Jackson, M. R., Paige, M., Al-Yozbaki, M., Giardini, M. A., Maksimainen, M. M., De Luise, M., Hussain, M. S., Christodoulides, M., Stec, N., Zelinskaya, N., Van Pelt, N., Merrill, N. M., Singh, N., Kootstra, N. A., Singh, N., Gandhi, N. S., Chan, N. L., Trinh, N. M., Schneider, N. O., Matovic, N., Horstmann, N., Longo, N., Bharambe, N., Rouzbeh, N., Mahmoodi, N., Gumede, N. J., Anastasio, N. C., Khalaf, N. B., Rabal, O., Kandror, O., Escaffre, O., Silvennoinen, O., Bishop, O. T., Iglesias, P., Sobrado, P., Chuong, P., O’Connell, P., Martin-Malpartida, P., Mellor, P., Fish, P. V., Moreira, P. O. L., Zhou, P., Liu, P., Liu, P., Wu, P., Agogo-Mawuli, P., Jones, P. L., Ngoi, P., Toogood, P., Ip, P., von Hundelshausen, P., Lee, P. H., Rowswell-Turner, R. B., Balaña-Fouce, R., Rocha, R. E. O., Guido, R. V. C., Ferreira, R. S., Agrawal, R. K., Harijan, R. K., Ramachandran, R., Verma, R., Singh, R. K., Tiwari, R. K., Mazitschek, R., Koppisetti, R. K., Dame, R. T., Douville, R. N., Austin, R. C., Taylor, R. E., Moore, R. G., Ebright, R. H., Angell, R. M., Yan, R., Kejriwal, R., Batey, R. A., Blelloch, R., Vandenberg, R. J., Hickey, R. J., Kelm, R. J., Lake, R. J., Bradley, R. K., Blumenthal, R. M., Solano, R., Gierse, R. M., Viola, R. E., McCarthy, R. R., Reguera, R. M., Uribe, R. V., do Monte-Neto, R. L., Gorgoglione, R., Cullinane, R. T., Katyal, S., Hossain, S., Phadke, S., Shelburne, S. A., Geden, S. E., Johannsen, S., Wazir, S., Legare, S., Landfear, S. M., Radhakrishnan, S. K., Ammendola, S., Dzhumaev, S., Seo, S. Y., Li, S., Zhou, S., Chu, S., Chauhan, S., Maruta, S., Ashkar, S. R., Shyng, S. L., Conticello, S. G., Buroni, S., Garavaglia, S., White, S. J., Zhu, S., Tsimbalyuk, S., Chadni, S. H., Byun, S. Y., Park, S., Xu, S. Q., Banerjee, S., Zahler, S., Espinoza, S., Gustincich, S., Sainas, S., Celano, S. L., Capuzzi, S. J., Waggoner, S. N., Poirier, S., Olson, S. H., Marx, S. O., Van Doren, S. R., Sarilla, S., Brady-Kalnay, S. M., Dallman, S., Azeem, S. M., Teramoto, T., Mehlman, T., Swart, T., Abaffy, T., Akopian, T., Haikarainen, T., Moreda, T. L., Ikegami, T., Teixeira, T. R., Jayasinghe, T. D., Gillingwater, T. H., Kampourakis, T., Richardson, T. I., Herdendorf, T. J., Kotzé, T. J., O’Meara, T. R., Corson, T. W., Hermle, T., Ogunwa, T. H., Lan, T., Su, T., Banjo, T., O’Mara, T. A., Chou, T., Chou, T. F., Baumann, U., Desai, U. R., Pai, V. P., Thai, V. C., Tandon, V., Banerji, V., Robinson, V. L., Gunasekharan, V., Namasivayam, V., Segers, V. F. M., Maranda, V., Dolce, V., Maltarollo, V. G., Scoffone, V. C., Woods, V. A., Ronchi, V. P., Van Hung Le, V., Clayton, W. B., Lowther, W. T., Houry, W. A., Li, W., Tang, W., Zhang, W., Van Voorhis, W. C., Donaldson, W. A., Hahn, W. C., Kerr, W. G., Gerwick, W. H., Bradshaw, W. J., Foong, W. E., Blanchet, X., Wu, X., Lu, X., Qi, X., Xu, X., Yu, X., Qin, X., Wang, X., Yuan, X., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y. J., Hu, Y., Aldhamen, Y. A., Chen, Y., Li, Y., Sun, Y., Zhu, Y., Gupta, Y. K., Pérez-Pertejo, Y., Li, Y., Tang, Y., He, Y., Tse-Dinh, Y. C., Sidorova, Y. A., Yen, Y., Li, Y., Frangos, Z. J., Chung, Z., Su, Z., Wang, Z., Zhang, Z., Liu, Z., Inde, Z., Artía, Z. & Heifets, A., Dec 2024, In: Scientific Reports. 14, 1, 7526.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • β 2-Adrenoceptor agonist-induced RGS2 expression is a genomic mechanism of bronchoprotection that is enhanced by glucocorticoids

    Holden, N. S., Bell, M. J., Rider, C. F., King, E. M., Gaunt, D. D., Leigh, R., Johnson, M., Siderovski, D. P., Heximer, S. P., Giembycz, M. A. & Newton, R., 6 Dec 2011, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108, 49, p. 19713-19718 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • GTPase activating specificity of RGS12 and binding specificity of an alternatively spliced PDZ (PSD-95/Dlg]ZO-1) domain

    Snow, B. E., Hall, R. A., Krumins, A. M., Brothers, G. M., Bouchard, D., Brothers, C. A., Chung, S., Mangion, J., Gilman, A. G., Lefkowitz, R. J. & Siderovski, D. P., 10 Jul 1998, In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 273, 28, p. 17749-17755 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Reduction of GPSM3 expression akin to the arthritis-protective SNP rs204989 differentially affects migration in a neutrophil model

    Gall, B. J., Schroer, A. B., Gross, J. D., Setola, V. & Siderovski, D. P., 1 Sep 2016, In: Genes and Immunity. 17, 6, p. 321-327 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Novel behavioral assays of spontaneous and precipitated THC withdrawal in mice

    Trexler, K. R., Nass, S. R., Crowe, M. S., Gross, J. D., Jones, M. S., McKitrick, A. W., Siderovski, D. P. & Kinsey, S. G., 1 Oct 2018, In: Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 191, p. 14-24 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • HIV-1 Tat Directly Interacts with the Interferon-Induced, Double-Stranded RNA-Dependent Kinase, PKR

    McMillan, N. A. J., Chun, R. F., Siderovski, D. P., Galabru, J., Toone, W. M., Samuel, C. E., Mak, T. W., Hovanessian, A. G., Jeang, K. T. & Williams, B. R. G., Nov 1995, In: Virology. 213, 2, p. 413-424 12 p., 70014.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • A Set of Human Putative Lymphocyte G0/G1 Switch Genes Includes Genes Homologous to Rodent Cytokine and Zinc Finger Protein-Encoding Genes

    Siderovski, D. P., Blum, S., Forsdyke, R. E. & Forsdyke, D. R., Oct 1990, In: DNA and Cell Biology. 9, 8, p. 579-587 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • PINK1 knockout rats show premotor cognitive deficits measured through a complex maze

    Soto, I., Nejtek, V. A., Siderovski, D. P. & Salvatore, M. F., 2024, In: Frontiers in Neuroscience. 18, 1390215.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Molecular cloning of LSIRF, a lymphoid-specific member of the interferon regulatory factor family that binds the interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE)

    Matsuyama, T., Grossman, A., Mittrücker, H. W., Siderovski, D. P., Kiefer, F., Kawakami, T., Richardson, C. D., Taniguchi, T., Yoshinaga, S. K. & Mak, T. W., 25 Jun 1995, In: Nucleic Acids Research. 23, 12, p. 2127-2136 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Regulator of G-protein signaling-2 mediates vascular smooth muscle relaxation and blood pressure

    Tang, M., Wang, G., Lu, P., Karas, R. H., Aronovitz, M., Heximer, S. P., Kaltenbronn, K. M., Blumer, K. J., Siderovski, D. P., Zhu, Y. & Mendelsohn, M. E., Dec 2003, In: Nature Medicine. 9, 12, p. 1506-1512 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review