Projects per year
- 450 - 500 out of 2,193 results
Search results
Novel hybrid molecule with both IOP lowering and neuroprotective effects for treatment of glaucoma
ACHARYA, S. (PI), Stankowska, D. (CoPI), ACHARYA, S. (CoPI) & Stankowska, D. (CoPI)
1/09/20 → 31/08/24
Project: Research
2020 ¿ 2021 Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNA) Survey
Thompson, E. (PI) & Spence, E. (CoI)
Cook Children's Health Care System
1/09/20 → 31/03/22
Project: Research
Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Case Preparation
Raines-Milenkov, A. (PI)
Texas Dept of State Health Services
1/09/20 → 31/08/22
Project: Research
Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Case Preparation
Raines-Milenkov, A. (PI)
Texas Dept of State Health Services
1/09/20 → 31/08/22
Project: Research
Build Integrated Pathways to Independence for Diverse Biomedical Researchers
Jones, H. (PI), Phillips, N. (CoI), Barber, R. (CoI) & Basha, R. (CoI)
Xavier University of Louisiana
1/09/20 → 30/06/22
Project: Research
Novel hybrid molecule with both IOP lowering and neuroprotective effects for treatment of glaucoma
Stankowska, D. (CoPI) & ACHARYA, S. (PI)
1/09/20 → 31/08/21
Project: Research
Build Integrated Pathways to Independence for Diverse Biomedical Researchers
Jones, H. (PI), Phillips, N. (CoI), Barber, R. (CoI) & Basha, R. (CoI)
Xavier University of Louisiana
1/09/20 → 30/06/24
Project: Research
Joint Pain on a Chip: Mechanistic Analysis. Therapeutic Targets, and an Empirical Strategy for Personalized Pain Management
Bunnell, B. (PI)
1/08/20 → 12/09/21
Project: Research
Entasis 2020-01: Efficacy of Novel Therapeutic Combinations in the Murine UTI Model with Four E. Coli Isolates
Weiss, W. (PI)
1/08/20 → 31/07/21
Project: Research
Best Practices for Cold Case Investigations in American Indian and Alaska Native Jurisdictions
Coble, M. (PI)
1/08/20 → 28/02/23
Project: Research
Health and Aging Brain among Latino Elders (HABLE-AT(N)) Study
RISSMAN, R. (CoPI), TOGA, A. (CoPI), RISSMAN, R. (CoPI), O'BRYANT, S. (CoPI), JOHNSON, L. (CoPI), JOHNSON, L. (CoPI) & O'Bryant, S. (PI)
1/08/20 → 30/04/24
Project: Research
VietAmerican Health Pilot Study
Nguyen, U.-S. (PI) & NGUYEN, U.-S. D. T. (PI)
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
25/07/20 → 28/02/22
Project: Research
VietAmerican Health Pilot Study
Nguyen, U.-S. (PI), Spence, E. (CoI) & Spence, E. (CoI)
NIMHD: Natl Institute on Minority Health
25/07/20 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
Reducing Human Trafficking Through Forensics in Central America
Budowle, B. (PI) & Bus, M. (CoI)
International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), U.S. Department of State
15/07/20 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
Identification of Small Molecule Inhibitors of Human Regulator of G-Protein Signaling 12 (RGS12) and 14 (RGS14)
Siderovski, D. (PI)
8/07/20 → 7/07/22
Project: Research
Sphingolipids and their Impact in Corneal Wound Healing
Karamichos, D. (PI)
1/07/20 → 31/05/24
Project: Research
Tissue Chip Modeling of synovial Joint Pathologies: Effects of Inflammation and Adipose-Mediated Diabetic Complications
Bunnell, B. (PI)
1/07/20 → 30/06/21
Project: Research
NIH-Phase 2 Building Scholars @ UTEP
Jones, H. (PI) & Vishwanatha, J. (CoI)
University of Texas at El Paso
1/07/20 → 30/06/21
Project: Research
Tissue Chip Modeling of Synovial Joint Pathologies: Effects of Inflammation and Adipose-Mediated Diabetic Complications
Bunnell, B. (PI)
1/07/20 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
Novel Formulation Technology to Enhance Oral Absorption of Water-insoluble Drugs
Dong, X. (PI)
1/07/20 → 30/06/21
Project: Research
Sphingolipids and their Impact in Corneal Wound Healing
1/07/20 → 31/05/22
Project: Research
A Robust Microphysiological System for Mechanistic Investigation of Fat-bone Crosstalk in Diabetes
Bunnell, B. (PI)
1/07/20 → 30/10/20
Project: Research
Novel Formulation Technology to Enhance Oral Absorption of Water-insoluble Drugs
Dong, X. (PI) & Dong, X. (PI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
1/07/20 → 30/06/24
Project: Research
Sphingolipids and their Impact in Corneal Wound Healing
MANDAL, N. (PI), KARAMICHOS, D. (CoPI), MANDAL, N. (CoPI) & Karamichos, D. (CoPI)
1/07/20 → 31/05/24
Project: Research
MTD, PK and Efficacy of PPNA 25X-PEG6-CPP2 and PPNA 23X-PEG6-CPP2 in the Murine Thigh Infection Model with P. aeruginosa
Weiss, W. (PI)
3/06/20 → 2/06/21
Project: Research
Mineralocorticoid Receptor-Dependent Coronary Vascular Dysfunction in Obesity
Tune, J. (PI) & Dick, G. (CoI)
University of Missouri-Columbia
1/06/20 → 30/11/22
Project: Research
Substance Use Disorder and Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Texas
Fulda, K. (PI) & Walters, S. (CoI)
TX Council for Developmental Disabilitie
1/06/20 → 28/02/22
Project: Research
Reproductive Health Landscape Scan
Thompson, E. (PI) & Griner, S. (CoI)
15/05/20 → 30/11/20
Project: Research
Hemodynamic Oscillations and Protection of Cerebral Tissue Oxygenation
Rickards, C. (PI)
1/05/20 → 30/04/22
Project: Research
Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program COVID19
Knebl, J. (PI)
Health Resources & Service Administratio
1/05/20 → 30/04/21
Project: Research
Global Alzheimer's Platform Trial-Ready Cohort for Preclinical/Prodromal Alzheimer's Disease
Johnson, L. (PI), Large, S. (CoI) & Davis, S. (CoI)
University of Southern California
1/05/20 → 30/04/23
Project: Research
Efficacy of CF-AM1, CF-AM2, CF-AM3 in the Rabbit Lung Infection Model
Weiss, W. (PI)
2/04/20 → 1/04/22
Project: Research
A Novel Pathogenic Pathway for Diabetic Keratopathy
Karamichos, D. (PI)
1/04/20 → 31/08/21
Project: Research
RCMI@Morgan (Center for Urban Health and Health Disparities Research and Innovation at Morgan State University)
Zhou, Z. (PI)
1/03/20 → 29/02/24
Project: Research
RCMI@Morgan (Center for Urban Health and Health Disparities Research and Innovation at Morgan State University)
Zhou, Z. (PI)
1/03/20 → 28/02/24
Project: Research
Novel Immuno-Stimulating Compund to Treat Lung Infection
Jones, H. (PI)
1/02/20 → 31/01/24
Project: Research
Intermittent hypoxia and hypertension: Role of the lamina terminalis
CUNNINGHAM, T. (PI), CUNNINGHAM, T. (CoPI) & Cunningham, T. (PI)
18/01/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Research